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Use your unique username/handle/tag that the platform internally recognizes you as. Some platforms you can simply copy your username and then past it into Cardsona.


Instagram: cardsona.app                

use: cardsona.app (note: do not use "@")        


Twitter: cardsona              

use: cardsona    


TikTok: cardsona            

use: @cardsona (note: "@" is required for TikTok)  


Facebook: ted.tomson.9              

use: ted.tomson.9      


LinkedIn: ted-tomson-9b10a2111              

use: ted-tomson-9b10a2111

Tips and Resources

Sharing With Your Cardsona QR

"Network Smartly"

Explainer videos are available on

Cardsona's social media platforms

Adding Social Medias To Your Cardsona


Sharing Your Cardsona

Sharing via TEXT option:

If you are using an iOS system (iMessage) and sharing to another iOS system, Apple iMessage has a security filter and links will not be active unless the receiver adds the sender to contacts OR replies back.


Sharing your Cardsona to someone who does not have the FREE app:

Cardsona allows users to share their cardsonas to those without the app. The receiver will be able to view and interact with the cardsona in their browser, and also have the option to download the app and save that cardsona.


Sharing your Cardsona using the “MORE...” option:

This allows you to share your Cardsona via social medias and other options provided by your phone.


Sharing a saved Cardsona Connection:

Open the connection’s Cardsona and tap the ‘share’ icon in the upper right corner. The share options are the same as sharing your own Cardsona.



"Note" Feature


Open a Cardsona connection and in the upper right corner is a ‘note’ icon. That will open a notes page for the Cardsona connection.

QR Scanner


Some smartphone cameras do not come with the ability to scan QR codes, so there is a Cardsona QR scanner available in "Connections". Go to "Connections", and there is a “+” in the upper right corner that offers the options “QR Code” or “Manual Entry”. You will be able to add any Cardsona through their QR using this QR scanner.


You can use your cardsona QR to share outside of the Cardsona app. First you need to save your cardsona QR to your device as shown above. Then you can share your cardsona as shown in these few examples: